
Several Indian States encourage their teachers to participate in CENTA Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad…
…and many have rewarded, felicitated and incentivized their winning teachers.
Teacher Capacity Building and Selection of Resource Personnel through competency-based assessments.
Government of Andhra Pradesh has selected Resource Personnel through competency-based assessments

SCERT, Pradesh wanted to select 3500 Resource personnel through a systematic and objective selection process.
SCERT, AP collaborated with CENTA for this purpose, which included a two stage process for Resource personnel. Read more.
CENTA has received several recognitions from Governments and International agencies
- CENTA is a registered Certification Trademark
- Knowledge Partner to NITI Aayog in India, 2017-18: CENTA Standards are presented to all State Governments
- CENTA is one of two organizations from India invited into UNESCO’s International Teachers’ Task Force, 2019-20: CENTA Standards presented to and very well received by Governments of 20 Asian and African countries.
- Chalk & Challenges, a book based on CENTA Standards, is published with forewords from MHRD Secretary and NCTE Chairperson, 2017
- CENTA founder-CEO Ramya Venkataraman is one of the 15 recipients of the ‘Women Transforming India’ awards by NITI Aayog India and United Nations, 2019-20
- CENTA is invited to peer review UNESCO-UNEVOC’s publication on TVET teachers for the future, 2020