
CENTA® supports schools and school groups in managing the career cycle of teachers, end-to-end: recruiting, performance appraisal, career growth and retention, and self-motivated outcome-driven professional development.

Teacher Recruiting
- Ask your candidates for the nationally-benchmarked CENTA® TQ (Teaching Quotient) Score – reduces your recruiting effort and improves incoming quality.
- Sign up for the placement fair of the Manipal-CENTA® Post Graduate Certificate Program (Jan 2021).
- Post job openings on the MyCENTA platform.

Teacher Performance Appraisal and Training Needs Identification
- Benchmark your teachers’ competencies through the CENTA® TQ (Teaching Quotient) test.
- 90-minutes, objective yet highly practice-oriented, online and can be taken anytime anywhere – including from home.
- In-depth report of competencies with additional tests available on verbal and written communication.

Teacher Career Growth
How can you retain your great teachers? By identifying them correctly and rewarding them!
- Identify high potential teachers through CENTA® TQ ( Teaching Quotient) test as the first step. Establish their competencies fully through the practical CENTA® Micro-Credentials (for teachers and school leaders, aligned with roles in a school).
- Reward identified / certified teachers with role transitions, recognition and awards.
- Any of your teachers who is in the top 5000 CENTA® TQ scorers for the year will also be invited to CENTA® TPO, our international competition for teachers!

Teacher Professional Development
- Encourage your teachers to use MyCENTA app: self-learning resources, programs and workshops, including several free ones. You can also get “your school’s own space”, with additional facilities.
- Sign up your teachers for CENTA’s online teaching course-cum-certification – be ready for a new environment.
- Nominate/support teachers and school leaders for the Manipal-CENTA® Post Graduate Certificate Programs in teaching and school leadership.
You can choose to avail all or any sub-set of the following offerings as per your requirement.
Do write to us at, if you would like to partner with us to become an ‘exciting workplace for teachers’ or express interest using the button below and we will get back.